Tuesday, December 21, 2010

21 Decimbre, 2010

OK...I’m back. 

This…being an absence of about one month.
I guess one can say I got lazy and they’d probably be right. 
In either case...are you ready to absorb my observations 
once again? 

Here it goes…..

Ecuador can be strange at times!

The reason I just made that statement is...do to the 
language situation. It is well known that most 
Ecuadorians (and South Americans in general)“do not” 
speak English…and if they do…they are usually quite 
shy about it and would rather…once quarried…just shake 
their head “no”.

The reason I pointed out this apparent shyness is not 
because they…as a people are inherently shy. Just the 
opposite as…they are not! What they are fearful of...is 
that (and I’m considering many can speak and 
understand the English language) they may make a 
mistake! In doing so and…in their mind this would make 
him/her look and feel uneducated. So…when asked if 
they Hablar English?…they’re reply is usually No…
lo siento (I’m sorry)…No Hablar English!

So…[where was I going with this]…oh yes…

I picked myself this morning to get out and go have 
breakfast instead of me cooking for “me” once again! 
Now…just because it’s close and easy to get to and…
the food is always good and the price very reasonable…
I found myself at Raymipampa’s Restaurante.

While I was sitting there reading my Kindle and having 
breakfast…my hearing “finally” deduced…that something 
wasn’t quite right in “Kansas” (Cuenca).

HARK!!!!!! What pray tell is that sound?

Why…it’s Christmas Music playing over the sound system 
but…IT’S IN… YES…IT’S IN ENGLISH!!!! ...
and I’m in Ecuador. Will wonders never cease?

OK...OK…I know…it was a looong way of getting to the 
point of “making my point”…but I had fun getting there.

And the ‘Beat Goes On” 
(now what’s he talking about?)…

OK…most…if not all of you know…I recently (like 
almost 2 months ago) moved to another (my present) 
location. Welllll…….
Call me crazy but…the race is “on again”!

I’m talking about looking once again for new digs…as in 
apartment! Again…most of you know that my so-called 
Internet has been well…like a thorn in my side. This along 
with my “RIDICULOUSLY” Tiny Kitchen…well…
I feel the need for change…”for a change”! (hey…it’s been 
two (2) months ye know.) 

So…anyway within the next half hour I should get a call 
from my ''dapartemente" finder (Martha… about a place 
(in town) to look at. This time however…I am “not” 
giving her an answer re: talking the apartment (or not) so fast..
as I want to be as sure as possible…and also to compare 
other offerings. That said…one needs to understand that 
one can “never” be sure until one lives in the “new” dwelling. 

The reason for this is the “noise level” and “times” of these 
possible …loud noises  (fireworks “the BOOM kind”…
car alarms [a BIGGY] etc etc). Now one can NEVER be 
sure but...this is where Due Diligence can pay off!

Guess what…I met Martha at the corner of the “possible” 
new digs. Yes…it had a balcony (narrow but…still a 
balcony) and yes it is situated above a farmacia (pharmacy)…
and yes…it’s all of 2 blocks from Parke Calderone. 
So you ask…what’s the problem?

Well to tell you the truth we never even made into the 
apartment. It seems that since the last time Martha was 
there…the owner rented out the…better sit down for this one
entryway/foyer area to a "CD Shop". Yes...one needs to go 
through the “business” in order to get to the main locked 
doorway…which…I suppose gets one into the apartment(?). 
I never found out…as the furthest I got was the sidewalk in 
front of the CD shop and...“not a step further”!

So…I’m still entrenched in my current apartment and happy 
to be here!

BTW…while talking with Martha (after the aborted 
apartment appointment)…I mentioned that I might be open 
to looking at either furnished or unfurnished in what is 
considered “New Town” and which is on the south side of 
the Rio Tomebamba (Tomebamba River).

Anyway she mentioned a nice furnished apartment is 
available and…by the way she described it…is in a stand 
alone small house with 2 levels in a secured area. 

To tell you the truth I am torn between El Centro and 
the possibility of being near but...outside of Old Town.

Here’s the kicker…the rent ($250.00) includes utilities 
(not sure of the internet yet). Sounds like I’m interested hmmm?
Truthfully I’m not sure yet but I may just call and set an 
appointment with Martha real soon.

Anyway…enough of the apartment stuff for now.

Right around the corner as most of you are aware…
are the Christmas and New Year holidays. 

For all my Jewish friends I wish you all a post 
Happy Hanaukah! To “all”...
I wish you have a Very Happy Holiday Season!!

Myself ?...Monday (12/27) yours truly is off to an 
“All Holiday” party at a Gringo couples home in town.

So mi amigo’s y me amiga’s …

Feliz Navidad…Chanukah Feliz y 
Feliz Ano Neuvo 
(Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and 
Happy New Year) :)  :)  :)

1 comment:

  1. You changed your background again. Cool! Are we to expect a new background now with each new post?
