Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Road to Legalization

Monday (Lunes) 9 de August (Augusto), 2010

Well it’s been...if not exciting…a hectic week or so.

You see after quite some time…I was “finally” ready to
get my Censo and my Cedula.

Now…both these documents are laminated cards and…
both are required enabling me to stay and live as a 
retiree in Ecuador. The cards also label me as a legal
“residencia”. This also by the way… gives me the right 
to live in Ecuador along with all the rights that any born 
Ecuadorian has...with the exception of the right to vote.

Now that I’ve laid the foundation for you…
comes the “good” part.

Working through my Abogado (attorney) in Quito is 
Linda…the attorney’s assistant in Cuenca. Well one fine 
and bright sun shiny day…Linda picked me up and off 
we went to get my much needed Censo and Cedula 
(from now on referred to as C&C).

First stop was the (I think) main police station. In this
illustrious stanchion of society…and after about a half
hour wait…we (Linda…myself and the Policia Officer)
went through the needed motions and “wa-laa”…I was
now the proud owner of a Censo.

With Censo in hand…we now were off to get my Cedula.

Now you just know that this is where the fun starts!
Ye know what…You’re right!

After driving across town we entered “the building” and
of course found a small mob scene. Well…Linda went
right to the front of the line…then to the front of
another line and…came back to me with “The News”.
What you may ask was this news?

Well apparently…the day before (Monday) was
the day that the “new” rule changes went into effect!
And…imagine even the Abogados weren’t aware
of this! What a Surprise!

Too make this story somewhat palatable…the ONLY
places in Ecuador to “now” obtain” ones Cedula is
either in Quito or Guayaquil.

This is when I found out the “Rest of the Story”.

It seems the rule changes also affected…to a certain
extent the following  two other locations.

In Quito…the process for getting ones Cedula went
from a three (3) days romp in the Capital…to eight…
yes count ‘em (8) glorious days. This was by the way…
precipitated by a phone call “from” my attorney
(not me calling her) telling me that I could fly to Quito…
spend one night there…fly back and she would 
pick-up the Cedula and send it via TACA Airlines to me 
(this by the wayis similar to an overnight delivery…
but extremely inexpensive…like $1.30 
(as in a dollar thirty)

Overall cost to me…approximately $200


Guayaquil…which by the way…I have never been to…
nor had I any plans of ever visiting.

Guayaquil is Ecuadors largest city and encompasses
all the hot weather (80’s-90’s and humid)… dirt… grit…
need I say crime…of any big city. However from what
I’ve heard the Government office to which we are going…
is very modern…referencing the above mentioned
documents is easier to obtain…as opposed to the
rest of the country!

Anyway…with the above information in hand…I literally
stumbled upon something at the last Friday Night get
together at Zoe’s.

Apparently…(surprise) I’m not alone in this figurative boat.
There are 2 guys who I found out were hiring a car with a 
driver…which would take them to Guayaquil. Going along
with them is a Cuencano who would act as an Interpreter
and guide for the Gringos (us).

Well…moving to the end of this exciting…nail-biting story
we are leaving on this adventure like 6 a.m. manana. With
any luck we will have secured our Cedulas and return in
the afternoon. However (and I’m not a betting person)…
I would wager a bet that we will be spending the night in
Guayaquil and returning the next day.

Incidentally...we do have a back-up plan.

If said Cedula’s won’t be ready by Wednesday…we will
return to Cuenca and then go back once again the 
following Tuesday. This...to simply pick-up the 
documents and return once again… home…with our 
legal residencies in hand. J

And with that mi amigo’s I shall continue my diatribe...
whence I return once again from my visit to Guayaquil !

Hasta Pronto J

1 comment:

  1. I have lived in Quito for over 16 years, I am happy to help with any questions you might have about the country. Patrick- bullock0005@yahoo.com
