Wednesday, August 18, 2010

BRIGHT SUN-SHINEY DAYS (and then some)

Monday thru Wednesday, 16 to 18 of August, 2010
( Lunes por Miercoles, 16 a 18 de Augusto, 2010 )

OK I’m I spent awhile absorbing some “sun” 

YES…you read right as we do indeed have that 
Very Large Bright Yellow Ball beaming it’s rays and 
smile down to us Cuencanos…while reading my 
book in Parque Calderone.

By the way…if it seems to you that I spend a lot of 
time in Parque Calderone…you are right and I do so 
with good reason. You see…El Parque is exactly 
one-half block from my apartemento. Being that the 
green grass and trees are so very close…I now 
consider this “hallowed ground” area to be my 
(almost) personal “back-yard” J

In either case…while taking in the “rays” and diligently 
reading my book…my friend Jim happened to appear 
while at the same...time casting a friendly shadow on 
guess who and 'yon  book.

As friends sometimes do…we just sat and caught up 
on the comings and goings on in our "retiring"lives.
Now...while in the middle of our ”very important 
jabbering” ...along comes my neighbor Pete who aptly 
joins into our exciting conversation. 

This highly productive give and take exercise...went 
on for quite awhile until the appetite “alarms” starting 
to increase in intensity.

Considering that we were literally across the street 
from Raymipampa Restaurante and/or Tuttta Freddo...
we had a choice. Well not really as…Raymipampa 
had no available seats. So off we went to Tutta 
Freddo for what Jim said was possibly the best 
(believe it or notPizza in Cuenca. 

At this point in time…and until further notice I am 
remaining an “open-minded” skeptic!
The resulting pizza (although nowhere compared 
to my Brooklyn Italian Pizza in N.Y.)…was indeed 
acceptably good. By the way…
I opted for the “personal” [like we had a size choice]…
Pepperoni Pizza.

Pizza aside…the best part of the meal was “the 
company” as we had quite a bit in common and 
pleasant un-rushed conversation.

Next stop...was later [6p.m.] at Carolinas Bookshop…
about which I mentioned in my previous “blog” for more 
food and yakking J

"Time Jump"…
and it’s about two days later and the story continues 
it’s flow (so to speak..for better or worse).

The Bookstore get together was pleasant with a 
chance to catch-up with a few acquaintances and 
where I also met a few new possible-friends-in-

OK now bare with me folks...
we're moving through time and it's now the next 
morning as in 5:30 a.m. Tuesday's travel-time!

The gathering of “Cedula seeking Expats” trip is now 
under-way…and once's up and across 
Cajas National Park and heading into Guayaquil for the 
express purpose of picking-up of our much sought after 
Certfied Cedulas!

Finally. after 3 ½ travel hours…we "once again" 
entered “The Registration Office” and well…I’ll spare 
you the ins 'n outs and give you the...short version!

We explained our reasons for the visit...gave our 
names…sat down for ten (10) minutes and…well...
we were now newly Registered Cedula holders…
Signed...Sealed and Delivered J J

After a relaxing (and for Ecuador and us…
an expensive ”hotel”) lunch…we were then “headin’ 
on back”...through Cajas and on to Cuenca!

With the above…now said and done…my next big 
(must do) thing is to finally make my reservations for 
my approximate…three (3) week visit to the states.

More on this as it develops. for now…
Adios Mi Amigos y Amigas


  1. Hey Barry - Congrats on having your cedula.

    Did you really get from Cuenca to Guayaquil in 3 1/2 hours? That's awesome. Is all that road construction finished? No waiting for the single-lane traffic from the other direction to pass?

    - Gerard

  2. Hello Barry,

    Congratulations on your cedula!

    And thanks for the blog, which, as a single person, I found particularly helpful :-)

    Have not read all of your blog yet, but did read of your move to the center of town and of your present playground :-)

    The proximity to the park and center sounds wonderful. Would love to see the pictures of your apartment and to know prices, etc.

    I will be in Cuenca September 21, 2010. Will need a place to stay for 10-11 days then. And then, uhopefully shortly thereafter,upon my move to Cuenca, will need a place to live.

    Also, if you or any other reader, know a hotel in GYE to stay for a night, would be grateful for the recommendation.

    Please answer either here or to ideamerchant at gmail dot com
