In starting my U.S.A. trip…
I left Cuenca for Guayaquil Airport a bit before 5 p.m.
for a 7 pm flight. So…after a fairly decent longish waiting
period…it was time to board my flight which was to take
an astonishing amount of time…like all of about 40
minutes. After landing in Guayaquil…I got my bag in
about 10 minutes and proceeded to wait.
My flight on Avianca to Ft Lauderdale via Bogota is at
6:10 am manana. The airline counter opens at 3 a.m.
so yes…I have a bit of a wait.
6:10 am manana. The airline counter opens at 3 a.m.
so yes…I have a bit of a wait.
It’s now about 9:15 pm and there are…a fairly decent
amount of people just hanging around. Included in this
group are a few little kids that are being their
rambunctious selves…hopefully they will board soon…
even so I still…after 4 months in Ecuador can’t get over
the good behavior of these “little” kids (probably around
age 8-10).
Now…for the food and beverage report.
Remember…I’m in an Airport!
I actually did not intend to “snack” as much as I did.
However…the coffee shop (as is the entire airport) is
modern…clean and people friendly. Back to the “snack”!
A large…fresh ground coffee…a large Empanada
(always good but surprisingly good for an airport)…
a bottle of water and a large cookie to top it all off.
Cuanta Costa (how much)? Keeping in mind I’m in an
Airport…8 bucks.
I’m guessing here but I have a feeling that just the large
coffee (with nowhere near the same “fresh roasted”
quality) and large cookie…would probably set me back
the same in total or more…in the confines of JFK or for
that matter…just about any airport in the U.S.
So…now I sit and wait for the next five (5) and half hours
until the Avianca desk opens for business. BTW…this
is why I ordered a large coffee…as in to keep me awake
the whole night…YIKES!!!
That’s about it for now. What am I going to do for the
next five plus hours? Well…I intend to read my book(s)
[bought a new one just for this trip]…walk around and
maybe doze off a bit. To be sure I will keep you in the
loop! J
OK…leg #2 of my trip to the U.S. is done as I am now
sitting in the departure terminal in Bogota, Columbia.
Comparison note re: security…
Guayquil was an absolute breeze. Yes they X-rayed
etc. but nothing over the top. I did however...become
separated on a "permanent basis" of a small finger-
nail scissor…which I guess their security deemed
separated on a "permanent basis" of a small finger-
nail scissor…which I guess their security deemed
excessive …ARRRRG!!!!
The BIGGY was in leaving “emigration” (correct S.A.
spelling) as that took some time. They were very thorough
via their computer and document checking. I don’t know…
maybe the security guy got confused what with my U.S.
passport and my Ecuadorian Cedula and Censo
(it turned out that they wanted the Censo which for some
reason they deemed more “importante)!
Bogota was a whole ‘nother story as I ended up going
through Full Security…3 separate times. Thankfully I
wasn’t carrying anything dangerous such as food
‘cause the security-dogs would have surely found
that stash J.
Anyway…I’m now sitting (again) and awaiting the
boarding of my Ft. Lauderdale leg of my trip. BTW…No
I did not sleep at all since I left Cuanca. I was up from
7 a.m. Monday thru…well it’s now Tuesday and almost
9 a.m. I did however sleep a bit (not much) on the flight
from Cuenca to Bogota!
from Cuenca to Bogota!
Looking back…my Bogota to Ft Lauderdale flight was
very nice. I also had an amicable woman sitting next to
me who was from Bogota but now lives in W. Palm
Beach Fl. Anyway having Nancy (her name) as an
in-flight neighbor helped the 3+ hours flying time move
quickly. This acquaintancee…also helped me after we
were done with the [ever popular] act of clearing Customs
and getting out of the International Arrivals area of the
and getting out of the International Arrivals area of the
Now you may be wondering…”what’s he talking about”!
Well…as it turned out S. Florida welcomed our plane
(and many others) with a real honest to goodness
healthy rainfall. Of course there was no way to tell
this was going on until we were all done with customs…
baggage claim…etc and were out amongst the masses
trying to meet they’re friends/family (whomever) who
were trying to pick them in the International Arrivals area.
You see…my friend Donna had the “honor“ J of picking
me up. Of course this being S. Florida…a place mind
you that…when it rains…no matter how inconsequential
or severe…general driving...along with its speeds
“go right down the tubes”!
Anyway…and keeping in mind that the one cell phone
I have...that will work in the states…didn’t!
Ye gotta love it!
All of this was do to the fact..the phone is the “pre-paid”
type which unfortunately did not have any “time”
remaining. Fortunately however…my “plane” friend
was also waiting for her husband who thankfully had
a his phone with him and thusly I was able to finally get
in touch with Donna who…surprise surprise…was
slowed by the “rain caused” traffic. To make a long(ish)
story shorter…Donna (like the vision she is) appeared
at the airport pick-up point and off we went...
to places unknown J.
type which unfortunately did not have any “time”
remaining. Fortunately however…my “plane” friend
was also waiting for her husband who thankfully had
a his phone with him and thusly I was able to finally get
in touch with Donna who…surprise surprise…was
slowed by the “rain caused” traffic. To make a long(ish)
story shorter…Donna (like the vision she is) appeared
at the airport pick-up point and off we went...
to places unknown J.
Places unknown…along with not eating anything
normal in the last 20 or so hours…led us to a
watering-hole…as in someplace where yours truly
could absorb food and atmosphere unknown in
Cuenca. Place “in-point” (this time) turned out to
be Two-Jays Delicatessen.
Now before I go on…it should be said that one of
my goals on trips to the U.S. …is to eat in places
and eat foods…that cannot be gotten in Ecuador
or at the very least…known dishes that are
unfortunately… not prepared as they should be
(well not as I remember them anyway).
Back to my event recounting…
Funny but the foods remembered and now consumed…
for some reason are not those that are expected.
The Combo Corned-beef and Pastrami on Club was
OK…but as Two Jays…no longer offered a Club
(Hoagie for those of you not from the East coast)
Sandwich anymore…well it was just not the same!
With the “unClub” came French Fries and I ordered
a Dr. Browns’ Cream Soda. Now...this unfortunately
arrived in its metal container (can)…instead of the
“bottle” it should have came in!
So once again…not the same nor as goodL.
Anyway…after consuming my first meal in the likes of
S. Florida…we continued our trip to my daughter Jills’
place of business. She by-the-way…is in charge of a
good sized pre-school in Weston. Once there Jill gave
Donna (they had never met until this point) the Grand
Tour of the facility…and Donna left to get on with her
daily life (more on Donna later in my daily musings).
It was then time to finally get to Jill’s apartment…
decompress a bit…spend some time with my grandkids…
and finally to some REAL and needed sleep.
So until manana J
Wednesday, 15 September
Woke up at an “unheard of” hour (for me anyway)…
10:30 a.m. This by the way only happened because
Donna called and became my alarm clock this morning.
Now I know what “roughing it” means J.
I had a “scrumptious“ breakfast of a much needed mug
of coffee and something just a wee-bit different…
I had a “scrumptious“ breakfast of a much needed mug
of coffee and something just a wee-bit different…
((what pray-tell is he talking about now))…a “left-over
piece of pizza” and for desert (the best part)…
a Krispy Cream Iced Donut…WOW!
So…once again I await the arrival of Donna whom
is really helping me out…in just getting around and
doing stuff. I want the world to know this…as it is
taking Donna probably 45-60 minutes (una via)
[1-way]) to get to me and then what-ever…so I
REALLY appreciate what she’s doing. That said
Donna and I never connected on my last trip to
S. Fl so I guess we are both making up for that too!
Anyway I will report on the days’ events…yet to come
later today or manana J
OK…I’m back…its still Wednesday but late. Anyway…
Donna and I did a little catching up and eventually
got out to do a bit of exploring as neither of us new
the area. Eventually…we (actually me) decided it
was time to stifle the “beast in the belly”…so off we
went and luckily found a place called Bahama Breeze.
As you might be able to guess from the name…
the restaurant offered a variety of dishes but…
with a decidedly different and wonderful twist to their
“foods with a flair”. Can you tell I was impressed? J.
The only down side was the prices…which to
someone like myself i.e. Expat…were quite high
when compared to what I am now used to in Ecuador.
Yes…yes…I know I’m not in Ecuador but “back in the
U.S.A.”. That however doesn’t mean I can’t complain.
After all this is my Blog! J
It was now getting a wee bit late…as Donna had to get
back to her life. So we made just one more stop at
Walgreens to pick up a few items etc. Upon entering
the store…I literally forgot the amount of items
the store…I literally forgot the amount of items
one store can carry. It almost blew my mind! Yes…
Cuenca has large stores that carry similar items as
Walgreens…CVS… Walmart etc…but nothing on
this shear scale of sellable goods.
At this point we needed to make haste…so Donna
dropped me back at Jill’s abode and off she went.
Tomorrow…I had planned to do a bit of reminiscent
exploring of the old neighborhood after shopping for
my Western Boots (this has been a long planned item)
and then a quick meeting with my cousin Bonnie at
her Mom’s place in Lauderdale Lakes. That’s when
the BRAKES were applied as Jill told me she needed
her car for work etc. So…all plans now need to be
changed…cancelled or I’ll see what happens.
Anyway…this leaves me with a chance to do a little
morning walk on the way for some breakfast and also
explore the immediate area. After this it’s back to the
Jill’s apartment complex…access the Internet via free
wi-fi at the Sales Office/Pool area and yep…as you
might have guessed…after my internet session…
make use of the pool…YES! J
And now mi amigos…it’s time to make a few calls…
chill…and do a bit of reading and then off to dreamland J
Thursday, 16 September
“FOOTLOOSE”…which is how I’m describing my current
situation as in “not” having any wheels.
This wouldn’t have been a problem in that I would have
been using my daughter Jill’s car for the day. However
her work plans changed thus so did mine. In a way this
was good as this a.m. I needed to acquire some
breakfast. So…off I went (on foot) once again in search
of food.
I had two choices…go “this way” or “that way”.
I chose “this way” which was the closest but unfortunately
yielded absolutely nothing. That left “that way”…as in the
only other choice in which I actually found my target…
which in this case was a Bagel Store.
Now for those of you that have never had the opportunity
to indulge oneself at an East coast Bagel establishment…
they offer quite a wide variety of foods from breakfasts
and lunch. FYI…most of these shops are closed mid
to late afternoon!
I must say this however…I have been in the states for
3 days now…have eaten in a few restaurants and
noticed a higher dining cost than what I’ve become
accustomed too…since living “outside” the U.S. This
said…this mornings breakfast was “an extremely rude
awakening” for me…one in which the only way I can
truly express myself is to say that I’m suffering
“Sticker Shock”!
To give you an idea…Coffee…a plate of two eggs...
home fries...corned-beef hash and a bagel. Cost…
incl. tax and tip…$11.00… OUCH! God forbid if I
added juice (I shudder to just think of that)!
I will say this though…as definitely enjoyed the
“consumption” part of my breakfast ordeal J
Now to give those of you who are Expats a better
feel for the cost difference…the above cost
represents minimally…2 times the higher priced
breakfast (in Cuenca) or up to 5 (yes you read right…
FIVE) times the cost of an average breakfast
(again Cuenca). Incidentally…for those of you who
are not aware of Cuenca’s cost of living rating…
Cuenca is situated as part of the “upper”
cost of living structure!
FIVE) times the cost of an average breakfast
(again Cuenca). Incidentally…for those of you who
are not aware of Cuenca’s cost of living rating…
Cuenca is situated as part of the “upper”
cost of living structure!
OK...enough of economics and back to S. Florida…
Being that I’m wheel-less…I’m off to the pool area to
make use of the complexes free wi-fi…catch up on
e-mail etc…then maybe a bit of experiencing the
pool itself and well…just enjoying Florida’s
warming sun J.""""NOT"""
Apparently...Mr. Sun decided to take a short vacation
and invited his relatives (The Clouds) to take it's place.
(It's amazing how plans even simple ones...change).
So...I did a bit more walking to get some snacks
(this time I took the shorter walk). I'm figuring that I
probably walked a good six (6) miles today.
BTW...I'm not complaining...just stating a fact!
So until mananas adventures…ciao for now J
Apparently...Mr. Sun decided to take a short vacation
and invited his relatives (The Clouds) to take it's place.
(It's amazing how plans even simple ones...change).
So...I did a bit more walking to get some snacks
(this time I took the shorter walk). I'm figuring that I
probably walked a good six (6) miles today.
BTW...I'm not complaining...just stating a fact!
So until mananas adventures…ciao for now J
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