Thursday, September 2, 2010




Well…I might be stretching the truth a bit…maybe a little!

Basically I guess I’m experiencing what one might call…
the everyday “ins ‘n outs” of well…just living a retired 
lifestyle here in Cuenca.

I know that sounds boring to some of you but in reality...
it’s how can I explain this to you…”just nice” J

This is not to say that I’m vegetating…’cause I’m not 
(not too much anyway). In fact this past week I’ve been 
busy with…better sit down for this…nightlife!

Last Saturday evening I went to a “reservations only” 
dinner/show at California Kitchen. The evening consisted 
of a "price fixed" dinner along with…what was billed as 
“Belly Dance” show.

In reality the show was performed by an Ecuadorian 
Dance Troupe and included…yes…the advertised Belly 
Dance along with a variety of Spanish Dancing. 
The troupe consisted of three and a half couples 
(remember the Belly Dancer). Also as an “umplanned” 
happening the show included…a “wardrobe malfunction” 
and “NO” it wasn’t part of the show. 
It was…how shall I say this…quickly “covered up” J

As always California Kitchens' food was very good and 
along with a packed house...everyone (including yours truly
had a great night…which “by the way” cost a whopping 
Fifteen Bucks!

The other happening…was a 60th Birthday Party this 
past Tuesday. 

Now before I go on you need to understand that a fair 
amount of the older (retired) population in Cuenca…
”start” the end of the day somewhat early. That said…
the Birthday Party wasn’t even starting until the 
"ungodly hour" of 8pm (YIKES). 
OK…enough of the silly (if not reality) stuff!

The “Fiesta de Cumpleanos” (birthday party) was for 
George and took place in George and Tom’s “temporary” 
apartemento . I say temporary because they are 
awaiting the completion of their new apartment which 
probably won’t be ready for another year. 
Anyway the present apartment is HUGE!...and with this 
being the case…there was a “full house” of guests.

So…with wine and drink flowing…and along with really 
tasty finger snacks…the night was off to a good start.  
Beside the foodstuffs I… like everyone else in attendance…
were meeting and yakking with new and not so new faces. 
I have to say the party seemed to have been a success.

Anyway…guess who didn’t walk into his apartemento 
until about 11 p.m. OMG J

OK…enough of the parties etc. and moving on to the 
other stuff!

The other stuff as I alluded to…was basically my normal 
comings and goings…with una anomalia (one exception). 
This being my “almost” completing the needed flight 
reservations for my upcoming trip to the states 
(in about a week from now).

Thankfully…and as most are very aware…almost all 
flight reservations were completed “on-line”. This leaves 
just two items…

(1)  booking my round-trip (in Ecuador) flight reservations 
(2)  making arrangements for my trip from NYC to upstate 
NY…which incidentally will most likely be a "bus trip"…
”long story” and one that will be told at a later date 
(post U.S. trip).

By manana…the first will hopefully be done i.e...
 "in-country" flight booking! 
FYI…there are a couple of reasons for a “non-internet” 
booking in Ecuador. 

First and foremost is that in most cases…it is "not" easy 
to do this…as most Ecuadorians buy goods and 
services for cash vs Credit Cards…so the system isn’t 
really set-up for this. In plain language…it can become 
quite expensive to charge “anything” considering the 
hefty surcharges involved!

Encompassing this is…[and to me a very important item]
is the "Senior Discount"... which by the in the 
neighborhood of 40%...and from what I can see is not 
available in “on-line’ bookings!

The second item that I’m presently concerned with is 
(as I mentioned before) the “bus trip” from N.Y.C. to 
upstate N.Y. (brother and sister-in-law). This can only be 
completed in person just prior to the bus trip. 
So obviuosely this has to wait.

           Otherwise…I AM NOW (almost) READY!!

So mi amigos…I would venture a "guesstimate" that my 
next report will be after my return from the states...
(1st week October)…that is unless I feel the urge to report 
from someplace in the states J

Ciao for amigos y amigas J


  1. "It was…how shall I say this…quickly “covered up”..." Now Barry, I really get on my students when they substitute nouns with personal pronouns. You need to be very clear, precise, and specific when you write. Exactly what "wardrobe malfunction" was quickly covered up? What descriptive adjectives can you use to conjure up a vivid picture for the reader of exactly what was covered up? Go for it, Barry! I'm sure you can pass this test with flying colors. Also, have a safe trip back to the states.

  2. Hello again, Barry.

    Wishing you the best of luck with reservations and a very nice trip to the states.

    I do not know whether you noticed my previous message. So, I am posting it again. Would be truly wonderful if you did answer, as I will be in Cuenca exactly when you will be in the states :) Coming 21-st, and leaving October 3-rd. So, her is that message.

    BTW do you not have the "contact me" button on purpose?

    Hello Barry,

    Congratulations on your cedula!

    And thanks for the blog, which, as a single person, I found particularly helpful :-)

    Have not read all of your blog yet, but did read of your move to the center of town and of your present playground :-)

    The proximity to the park and center sounds wonderful. Would love to see the pictures of your apartment and to know prices, etc.

    I will be in Cuenca September 21, 2010. Will need a place to stay for 10-11 days then. And then, hopefully shortly thereafter,upon my move to Cuenca, will need a place to live.

    Also, if you or any other reader, know a hotel in GYE to stay for a night, would be grateful for the recommendation.

    Please answer either here or to ideamerchant at gmail dot com
