Tuesday, October 5, 2010

and...In Conclusion...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

OMG…I’m still in shock.
Why you ask…’cause El Weatherman was R-I-G-H-T.

He forecast rain and “rain” it did. In fact it’s now a bit
after 4 p.m. and it’s still raining. So…even though I
usually put the poor weatherman down…I must
“commend” him today…even if it’s the only day in
recent memory that he or she…happened 
(by accident ?to be right. ‘Nuff said!

FYI…it’s now 9:30 p.m. and YES…it’s still raining. 
The rain however did not stop us from getting’ out and 
into a local restaurant for dinner.

The restaurant had a wide variety of foods…but guess
who could not pass up the Cheeseburger Platter
(a serious platter that is)…go on guess J. Oh yes…
we can’t forget the very large Vodka ‘n Tonic too.

In addition to this news…it should be noted that
“this guy” is still full about 2 hours later.

Do I hear the word “DIET” in my very near future?

Other than the above…I guess one can say…
We…Wuz Rained Out today.

Now "de Weather Guy"…feeling that he’s on a roll…
is calling for “about” (I love that word) an 80% chance 
of the wet stuff. Guess we’ll all have to wait ‘n see!

More Earth-shaking news to come J

Friday, Octubre, 1, 2010

today definitely falls under the “mixed-bag” category.

The rain was still in evidence well into the early 
afternoon hours. I will say however…that it was 
nowhere close to the type of rain that had inundated 
this region for the past 36+ hours. And then all at once 
the rain was gone and the sun came out to say “hola” J.

Now with 90% of the clouds on the run to places 
unknown…we are finally free to get out of the house…
sans umbrella’s etc.

Anyway…with El Sun sort of hinting that it may actually 
stay awhile…we all piled into my brothers’ car and off 
we went to find a pumpkin patch. Find it we did…however 
do to all the rain (I think this was the reason) the “patch” 
wasn’t ready to receive visitors as yet. So…the car trip 
continued along the winding roads of the Catskill 
mountains…until we found ourselves at...

“The Inn at Saint Joseph” in Forestburgh, NY.

If I got the story correctly…the Inn was originally a 
Catholic Church Retreat…which later turned into its 
present state…as in a hotel (or an Inn as they prefer to 
call it). Bottom-line…the Inn has an air of an extremely 
comfortable and welcoming “retreat” in which…one 
might use as a wonderful week-end escape from 
so-called civilization.

While there…we were invited to roam the grounds and 
hotel freely at our leisure…which we did…but not 
before I sampled some of the free varieties of cakes. 
There were also teas...coffee...fruits etc. …all for the 
taking but…El Pig-o here… decided…NO…
as that would be pushin’ it J

Back to the roaming part.

We continued to explore the grounds…but not all of the
One Thousand Acres. I’ll let my Bro and Sis-in-law have
that honor. Seriously though…the grounds include a
beautiful lake complete with canoes, hammocks 
(scattered throughout the property) and many more 
things that I’m sure we missed in our quick self-tour.

By-the-way…inside the Main House held a full usable
library complete with plush furniture to relax in while 
reading…a small working kitchen (that’s where I found 
the cakes and coffee) J …a full dining room…with 
some really great staid furniture and…well I could keep 
going but I think you probably get the picture.

From there it was back into the car and we were off to 
more country road driving and finally returned back at 
Allen & Linda’s place.

Now at this point you might be figuring that I’m going 
to tell you that this is the end of the day…”NOT” J

This was just a “catch ones breath” interlude!

During this timely interlude…Linda made a great and 
much appreciated dinner of Baked Chicken Breasts 
topped with home-made spiced apple compote…
Sweat Potato Pie and Tossed Salad. 

Note: For all those that personally know Linda 
(I did promise her this)…Yes…Linda actually cooked 
dinner with her own two hands. Yes…I actually 
witnessed this rare phenomenon…with my own two 
eyes of this never before "now revealed" event.

To top off the day…we then went to the Rivoli Theatre 
in S. Fallsburg, N.Y. to see a show called Bathroom 
Humor. I’m not a theatre critic however...but I must say 
it was an enjoyable and humorous play that topped the 
day perfectly. My thanks to Allen…Linda and Scott 
(my nephew) for a wonderful day.

Tomorrow Linda has planned a big and…full day of
which I’m not exactly sure what to expect…so more 
on these upcoming events as they materialize.

‘till then…ciao for now

Saturday, Octubre 2, 2010

Well…my on again off again traveling day is fast 
approaching and being that I bought more than a few 
needed personal items…I need to get “crackin” so that 
I can transport said items. What this means in plain 
language is that…I need to re-arrange all my things 
that I originally brought with me and co-mingle
them with the new.

To help accomplish this I picked up a “cheap-o” duffle-
like bag and hopefully everything will actually fit into my 
now two (2) carry-ons…and my one “checked” bag 
(original luggage). Why I did this is beyond me and I 
truly do not know why I do this to myself.  

Well…here goes nothin’ J

I’ll report back at the end of our traveling …to parts
unknown day J

OK…I have to be truthful here. By that I mean it is now 
12:22 a.m. (yes…you read that right)...22 minutes after 
midnight and I am currently sitting in Guayaquil Airport 
after my flight back to Ecuador.

Get this… I “only” have 5 & ½ hours until the check-in 
desk for TAME Airlines opens and I can tell them that 
this “muchacho” has been waiting all night in order to 
catch the first flight to Cuenca and home!

All of the above followed a 3 ½ hour flight from 
Ft. Lauderdale to Bogota, Columbia…where I had a 
wonderful 1½ hour layover…  followed by another 
1½ flight to Guayaquil (my current looong lay-over 

I do have to say however… that the flight on Avianca
Airlines was very nice as was the flight crew and 
attendants. The down side to all this was the habitual 
security checks along the way.

Just to give you an idea…

Ft. Lauderdale Airport…one (1) security check but...
extremely thorough.

Bogota, Columbia (remember this is a flight transfer 
within the same airline)…one (1) security check.

and the winner is…

Guayaquil ...where…I processing through and was 
“LEAVING” the arrivals area. This entailed going the 
Passport Control and these days…and as you 
probably know...“this” is a lot of fun and then once 
again another full baggage check.

This mi amigos y amigas...is a grand total of three (3) 
security checks in total elapsed times…equaling some 
9 hours (so far), ARRGGGGG!!!!!!!

So…now I sit here trying to recall what…I and my 
upstate family crew did on Sunday…from memory 
(uh-oh) J.

So let’s see…

Sunday Octubre 3, 2010

The first thing to report on was the weather which 
surprise of all surprises…El Weatherman was once 
again (Yes…I know this is UN-BELEIVABLE)…but he 
or she was right-on. He called for clear skies and 
sunshine…and that was EXACTLY what we got.

what’s this world coming too when El Weatherman 
is right so many times? What’s wrong with this picture 
anyway? All kidding aside my hat’s off to him or her…
well that is if I actually owned a hat! J

OK…enough stalling.

As you all know I am blessed with “total recall”.
Did I hear someone say “no” you don‘t. 
OK…OK…I don’t. But what if I really did? 
Now tell me that’s not scary ;) 
Anyway…I do actually recall…well some stuff. This is…
after all (early on what is now) Tuesday morning (11/5).

So…now I digress!

Anyway…we went to…
what I am going to name and use as a sub-title…


The reason for this title (other than the fact that it once 
was a highly popular movie)…is the fact that it is the 
actual name of a place that produces Organic Cider.

The actual name is really Cider Mills & Country Market. 
This was a definitely different learning experience and 
quite enjoyable. The grounds and buildings…although 
not yet completely finished (Cider Mills has only in 
business about a year) is a converted farm area. 

However…besides the “converted and upgraded 
farmhouse…the Mill for making the actual cider..a 
stable…what-ever…there is a country store and small 
ice ream parlor / eatery with “really” good foodstuffs J.

While on the grounds and taking advantage of the
beautiful day and scenery…we also got to go on a 
real horse-pulled "hay ride"…one in which by the 
way was decorated for Halloween Season. 
   Incidentally "the hay-ride" also took us to a “brand-
   new” horse stable and not fully completed as 
   evidenced by the still new wood aroma.

Talk about some beautiful animals…WOW!

Anyway...after roaming around the grounds…taking 
fotos and sampling a bit of lunch at the ice-cream parlor 
(I had some really great chili)…we were once again on 
the road and heading for a country-fair (I think Bro & 
Sis-in-law were trying to "contrify" this city boy). 

The fair itself was somewhat small and being late in the 
day already…well it was a bit uninteresting. That said 
though…I gotta tell ye’’…for a city-boy…and this was a 
bit foreign to me...yet nether-the-less…
I did have fun. 

The day ended with us doing some country style sight 
seeing. This included various small towns…farms…
extremely secluded homes etc. I know it sounds like 
I’m “putting this down”…but I’m not at all. It was just a 
pleasant drive through the mountainous roads of 
upstate New York on a gorgeous day.

Monday, Octubre 4, 2010

My travel day started with an unconventional side-trip.
Here’s the story…

There is a Bas-Mitzvah that my Bro and Sis-in-law…
plus…plus… plus…etc…are going to. So…we stopped 
off at the place where the party is going to be held 
(they are very close with Doc & Millie…the father and
daughter i.e Bas-Mitvah-ette). I’m guessing the catering 
establishment was someone’s home a very long time 
ago and was converted to it’s present state.

The Catering Establishment is situated on a mountain-
top over-looking some of the most stunning green 
forest-clad mountains that I’ve ever had the privilege of 
seeing…and for as far as the eye can see…well it can 
be humbling…besides leaving one speechless. I’m sure 
that Millie is going to have a party she will never forget.
She has my personal good wishes and congratulations.

From there it was on to Newburgh International Airport. 
Incidentally…as the airport is not at all large at all…its 
really hard for me to swallow the  “International” 
designation. Anyway…this was the start of my trip 
(odyssey ?) back to Ecuador.

Part “Uno” landed me back in Ft. Lauderdale, FL and 
another stay (overnight) with Ellie & Wally. However…
before we actually arrived at their abode…we made a 
“pit-stop” at Piranha Pats. The restaurant is widely 
known for and…has superb Rib Platters along with 
many other great dishes.

Now it was late and I wasn’t exactly starving…but 
yours truly…before whatever meal I ultimately decided 
on…needed a good and large…kickin’ drink. Well the 
drink in question ended up being a LARGE ...
"Long Island Iced Tea" and …it hit the spot J
That then led to my order of “hot ‘n spicy” chicken 
fingers…a baked potato with a side of delicious cole 
slaw (hey...I had to finish my vacation with a “BANG”)J.

But wait…the foodie inside me said…the vacations still 
on and there’s one more day in which to add to the 
already ridiculous amount of food I’ve inhaled 
(I’m gonna suffer for this…like dieting).

Anyway Tuesday morning (but late) we were off again…
this time to a diner very near the beach. Ohhh…I can 
still taste the French Toast…REALLY WELL DONE 
bacon (just how I like ‘emand good bottom-less mugs 
of coffee…hmmmm J  J

end of party time and the warning flags are now...
flying strong!

I won’t go into any detail as to the flight(s) to Cuenca 
but I will say that the “lay-over” in Guayaquil was 
ridiculous! The lay-over lasted from about 11:30 p.m. 
Tuesday the 5th…through Wednesday 6 a.m. as this 
was the boarding time for the scheduled 7 a.m. take-off.

Thankfully all the flights were uneventful (the best kind
and I am now home in Cuenca and…“running on empty” 
(as far as sleep goes) L. It seems that I’m just one of 
those people that hit a plateau for sleep and once said 
plateau is breached…well things just feel as though I’ve 
slept 8 hours.   Weird huh?

I think tomorrow I just might be sleeping a little later than
normal…ye think? 

So mi amigos…all I now need to do…is proof read and
publish for (hopefully) your enjoyment my jaw-dropping

Until next time…

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