Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Touring the sites "Outside...but close too Cuenca"

Domingo (Sunday), 24 Octubre, 2010

I started the day early…like 6 a.m. This…
do to the fact that I had to meet my 
Expedition Van at 8:05 a.m. For some 
imaginary reason I really thought that they 
would be there “on-time”. So…me…being 
me…A.K.A...“Mr. Early for Everything” got 
there at exactly 8 a.m. and TA-DAH…

Actually and by Ecuadorian standards 
(if there ever were any) it wasn’t bad...as 
the van in question got to my pick-up point 
before 8:15 a.m. Of course I was the first to 
be picked up and then came the rest of the 
pick-up points in various parts of Cuenca.

At the end…we totaled nine personas. The 
make-up of "touristas" included one other 
male Gringo from Australia…3 Norte 
Americanos Women and 4 Senoras from 
Peru…plus yours truly...and joined by our 
driver and tour guide Diego! Needless to 
say...it was an interesting group.

Once we were all settled…off we went to 
explore the country-side along with the 
wares plied by the Indigenousness peoples 
living in these towns. 

Now one should understand that as far as 
sightseeing goes…I for one really do not 
get into this type of excitement (?). I do 
however…enjoy seeing new and different 
places including it’s histories. Thankfully 
this trip also included some amazing 
scenery. This scenery incidentally…not 
only included what one would expect 
(forests… rolling mountainous lands etc.) 
but also some stunning Spanish Colonial 
architecture all within some beautiful towns 
and cities.

The principle cuidad (Citythat we visited...
is called Chordeleg (sure-de-leg)...which is 
a fairly decent sized city but one...with a 
really beautiful town center and is known 
for it’s Gold & Silver Jewlery. 

Now...being that I had exactly "zero" 
interest in window-shopping...I roamed the 
immediate area and finally stumbled upon 
a nice shaded resting spot i El Parke Centro. 

As luck would have it…a middle aged 

woman with her son sat down next to me 
and tried (notice I said "tried"tstrike up 

Of course I politely told her in my 
best Spanish…”No Hablar Espanol” and 
with her prodding this...became 
“Yo Hablar Espanol Poquito”... 
(I speak a little Spanish).

Now maybe it was my long absence from 
the U.S. East Coast but…it seems I’ve 
lost the edge on my long ago learned 
and ingrained “Sixth Sense”...OMG !!! 

Now…when it comes to unknown peoples 
wanting something other than just being 
friendly...my inner alarms should have 
gone off “loud ‘n clear”…they didn’t! This 
instance proved to be the case…as the 
woman in question (and my 6th sense 
finally made it’s appearance albeit a little 
late)…was what one could only call and 
compare with a Born-Again Christian but 
with a Spanish-twist.

Before anyone…who might be a Born-
Again Christian please...do not read 
anything into the above paragraph as…
I hold no prejudices against anyone’s 
beliefs. I do however…do not like being 
cajoled into anything…especially when 
any religion is involved.

Anyway with this new information about 
my new acquaintance…I quickly excused 
myself and meandered this beautiful and 
peaceful city.

Approaching the Van’s departure time…
I eventually re-claimed my seat along with 
my travel-mates (all accounted for) and off 
we went for a few more stops.

One stop in particular made up for all the 
jewelry shops etc. This was an extremely 
run-down establishment in a very small 
town called San Bartolome. 
The people in this town are known for their 
Spanish Guitar Making.

As the story was told to us (and I hope I 
have all the facts correct)…many many 
generations have since past. 
When the first Spanish families settled in 
this area…one family started the Guitar 
Crafting business. As time went on the art 
of Spanish Guitar crafting was passed 
to other families…who then in turn moved 
to different areas of Ecuador. Apparently 
San Bartolome remains the anchor.

OK…nececito history lesson done.

The Guitars are made from a very rare 
wood…all hand crafted and…if I recall 
correctly…a single guitar will take 4-6 
weeks to bring its beauty to completion. 
The cost in case you're wondering...ranges 
from about $200 to $600. The guitar in the 
photo below was priced at about $240. 
All this by the way…is accomplished by 
one hombre and his son. 

No...the guy on the Guitar is not the son 
but...our now almost famous tour-guide 
Diego. The gentleman behind him is the 
owner...father and craftsman.

From what I understood…the father 
makes the guitars (remember…all by hand
but cannot play the instrument...at all. 
This is where the son comes in…who at the 
time of our visit had his soul connected to 
the Internet. 
(Yes...even in the mountains of Ecuador).

All told…I am quite sure that if I were one 
whoever played a guitar (at least a little bit)…
I would have bought one of these beauties...
on the spot!

Well…once again it was time to pile into 
El Van and off we went to…YES…E-A-T 
lunch...(You knew this was coming!)

The place...that was part of the tour for 
lunch (almuerzo)…was in its former life a 
privado hosienda (Private House). 
Today the hosienda is called 
“Hosteria Uzuhupud” and is now a beautiful 
hostel which rests in the Paute valley.

Within the confines of the Hosteria there 
is in evidence…a swimming pool…
hot springs…58 rooms..tennis…discoteca 
(disco)…outdoor restaurante etc. 

The rates…I truthfully have no idea. That 
said however…one day I would love to 
spend some “miini-vacation” time there…
one day J

At this point..and to tell you the truth…the 
tour went into “over-kill”…as I was past 
caring about anything (time elapsed about 
6 horas (6 hours). All I wanted was to see 
the tours conclusion but…NO!!!  There was 
more! Unfortunately…I was beyond caring 
and (maybe I subconsciously) buried the 
into my subconscious where it will stay!

Overall…it was a great “get-outta-town” 
escape.I’m glad I did it but…with the 
exception of my previous stated desire of 
visiting Uzuhupud again…I think this 
hombre has had it for…
at least the foreseeable future! J

Now with this...my update on my roamings...
completed...I REALLY need to get crackin’ n' 
start packin’ for my upcoming re-location…
to my Nueve Apartemento (new apartment).

See you soon…for now J
[Para ahora veale pronto] J

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