Viernes (Friday) 29 Octubre 2010
I’m actually starting this BLOG today…Friday (Viernes)…
but the preparations etc. have already begun. What I’m
referring to is the fast approaching Cuenca Independence
Day or as it’s called here… Indepencia de Cuenca.
referring to is the fast approaching Cuenca Independence
Day or as it’s called here… Indepencia de Cuenca.
The date for this impending
holiday…is actuality taking
place this coming Wednesday
(Miercoles)…3 Noviembre.
However this being Ecuador…
this holiday is actually preceded
by another holiday…one in
which is the previous day and
falling on Tuesday (Martes)…
2 Noviembre. This holiday by
the way…has the distinctive
designation of being called
Dia de los Muertos or...Day of
the Dead.
The following is a direct quote…from my friend and writer
Dixie Davie as it appeared in her newsletter and website…
www.retire-in-ecuador. com.
In the article…Dixie explains Dia de los Muertos as such:
“celebrated with a belief that it is easy for the dead to come
back to earth and visit their living relatives on this particular
day. Altars are erected and piled with food, trinkets,
wreaths and flowers. Breads, candies and cakes are made in
the shapes of the bodies or other symbols. Sometimes the
name of the dead person is inscribed on these edible
mementos. The typical food for the day is “guaguas de
*pan”…accompanied by a beverage called “colada morada”.
The foods have a remote origin in the Incas, who offered
their gods their bodies and blood in sacrificial ceremonies”.
It is currently 2:30 pm and as I sit in my departemento
(apartment)…I can clearly hear the loud…albeit muffled
“sound checks”…along with some musica (?) already
starting…so tonight should be…an experience to say the
least. What will happen tonight and throughout the next
five (5) days is …well I haven’t a clue. This…other than
the fact that there will be “musica”…holiday food and
partying to all hours…throughout Cuenca can only be put
into so many words. Even these few words…”still”…
would not…nor could not…describe what can only be
experienced and…only by experiencing this town in
Speaking of tonight or I should say the latter part of this
afternoon and…in the middle of all the “holiday party
build-up”…I will be picking up my new departemento
keys and starting manana Sabado (Saturday)…yours truly
will “start” my fast approaching move in earnest.
keys and starting manana Sabado (Saturday)…yours truly
will “start” my fast approaching move in earnest.
Luckily…my new departemento is only about 3 blocks
from my current location. This incidentally allows me to
basically move myself via my “rolling” luggage…of which
I have “dos” (two) and will take place over this [yes…
moving during a holiday] weekend. Thank goodness for
wheels and elevators.
from my current location. This incidentally allows me to
basically move myself via my “rolling” luggage…of which
I have “dos” (two) and will take place over this [yes…
moving during a holiday] weekend. Thank goodness for
wheels and elevators.
“Best Laid Plans”… Sabado (Saturday)
Well it’s Sabado (Saturday for all you gringos) and [my
plan] was to meet Martha…my apartment finder…give
the new place a once over…get the keys and start moving
in whatever I could manage by myself. The rest would
wait until manana when my friend Gerard…who has
kindly offered to help with the move…using his new car.
This way…moving the somewhat larger and heavier items
[well the few that I have] would hopefully be a breeze.
the new place a once over…get the keys and start moving
in whatever I could manage by myself. The rest would
wait until manana when my friend Gerard…who has
kindly offered to help with the move…using his new car.
This way…moving the somewhat larger and heavier items
[well the few that I have] would hopefully be a breeze.
“This”…mi amigos’...proved to be the outcome…
The reality is that Martha ran into [some] difficulties. An
hour became two (2) and ended up with a record…
seven(yes…“7”) hours delay.
By this time the start/stop/start/stop and so on…drew to
a close and…well…all I can say is that these delays took
their toll. Hence…by the time I finally did my
“walk-through“ of the new apartment …I had already
decided to forgo any moving today and just take
advantage of Gerard’s [moving service] car and...
do it all manana.
hour became two (2) and ended up with a record…
seven(yes…“7”) hours delay.
By this time the start/stop/start/stop and so on…drew to
a close and…well…all I can say is that these delays took
their toll. Hence…by the time I finally did my
“walk-through“ of the new apartment …I had already
decided to forgo any moving today and just take
advantage of Gerard’s [moving service] car and...
do it all manana.
So…here I sit with 95% of everything I own “packed
and ready to go”… and…with “nowhere to go” until
tomorrow a.m. Anyway manana is another day and…
hopefully one in which I will have accomplished
the task at hand.
and ready to go”… and…with “nowhere to go” until
tomorrow a.m. Anyway manana is another day and…
hopefully one in which I will have accomplished
the task at hand.
“Moving Day Has Arrived”… Domingo (Sunday)
Finally…all is “almost” done (well 99% anyway) and it
is now 8;40 a.m. on Domingo (Sunday)…as I wait for
mi amigo Gerard to arrive with his car to facilitate my
move. Now… it’s just a little matter of loading the car…
unloading the car…loading the elevator…unloading
the elevator (I’m sure you get the picture).
is now 8;40 a.m. on Domingo (Sunday)…as I wait for
mi amigo Gerard to arrive with his car to facilitate my
move. Now… it’s just a little matter of loading the car…
unloading the car…loading the elevator…unloading
the elevator (I’m sure you get the picture).
OK…I don’t want you to think for un minuto that…
just because Gerard and his generous assistance got
me moved that…that was that. It wasn’t…not by a
long shot…as I still had to return to my now “old”
departmento (apartment) and re-pack my now
(once again) empty suitcases…repack the smaller
“unmoved” items into said suitcases and make a couple
of trips [on foot] to complete my move.
just because Gerard and his generous assistance got
me moved that…that was that. It wasn’t…not by a
long shot…as I still had to return to my now “old”
departmento (apartment) and re-pack my now
(once again) empty suitcases…repack the smaller
“unmoved” items into said suitcases and make a couple
of trips [on foot] to complete my move.
This done…now came the fun job of putting all my
worldly belongings in their proper places. I won’t bore
you with the details other than to say that…finding said
places in some instances was no easy task. This process
however did take some time and succeeded in…yes…
obliterating whatever reserve strength I had left in this...
body of mine!
worldly belongings in their proper places. I won’t bore
you with the details other than to say that…finding said
places in some instances was no easy task. This process
however did take some time and succeeded in…yes…
obliterating whatever reserve strength I had left in this...
body of mine!
Work done…it was thankfully time to…”rest”. Now
I’m not sure if I ever mentioned this before but…I am
not the kind of person that can take any type of siesta.
This however did not deter me in the least from trying…
albeit as I “did” try but alas…this little venture of a nap
was unsuccessful…though…I did get to relax.
I’m not sure if I ever mentioned this before but…I am
not the kind of person that can take any type of siesta.
This however did not deter me in the least from trying…
albeit as I “did” try but alas…this little venture of a nap
was unsuccessful…though…I did get to relax. with the task of resting done…it was time to get
ready for my dinner invitation at my friends’ Karen &
Peters’ place. Keeping in mind that I’ve never been to
their departemanto…what should have been an easy and
short cab ride...of course…turned into an “adventurers”
exercise in futility.
ready for my dinner invitation at my friends’ Karen &
Peters’ place. Keeping in mind that I’ve never been to
their departemanto…what should have been an easy and
short cab ride...of course…turned into an “adventurers”
exercise in futility.
Please understand that in most cases Cuenca cab drivers
know how to deliver you to where you want to go…but…
every once in awhile (as was the case today) the driver
just doesn’t know “how” too get to ones desired
destination. Also…keep in mind that there is a minor
item to contend with in this situation…was our “inability”
to connect verbally. Don’t ask me how…but someway…
somehow…apparently the gods were smiling on us…
know how to deliver you to where you want to go…but…
every once in awhile (as was the case today) the driver
just doesn’t know “how” too get to ones desired
destination. Also…keep in mind that there is a minor
item to contend with in this situation…was our “inability”
to connect verbally. Don’t ask me how…but someway…
somehow…apparently the gods were smiling on us…
I finally made it to my destination.
Upon entering K & P’s departemento…I was
“somewhat” prepared (do to previous conversations with
Karen & Pete) for the sight that awaited me. To say that
it was large (by most Ecuadorian standards) would be a
“gross understatement”. I guess one might call their place
Ecuadorian modern. Roomy…airy and comfortable would
be just a few words that come to mind.
“somewhat” prepared (do to previous conversations with
Karen & Pete) for the sight that awaited me. To say that
it was large (by most Ecuadorian standards) would be a
“gross understatement”. I guess one might call their place
Ecuadorian modern. Roomy…airy and comfortable would
be just a few words that come to mind.
The best part of the night (other than their warm and
receptive companionship) was the sumptuous meal that
Karen prepared. To try and tell you all about the meal
would actually detract from the “overall delightful
epicurean experience” I won’t…so there!
I will however tell you that Karen baked some [huge]
receptive companionship) was the sumptuous meal that
Karen prepared. To try and tell you all about the meal
would actually detract from the “overall delightful
epicurean experience” I won’t…so there!
I will however tell you that Karen baked some [huge]
chicken breasts covered with fresh mushroom sauce and
was sided with steamed broccoli and homemade rice pilaf.
All this accompanied by some very good wine and great
desert (one of which was Karen’s wonderful homemade
Apple Cobbler along with my offering…as in Strawberry
Short Cake). What a wonderful way to end a long…
but very satisfying day.
was sided with steamed broccoli and homemade rice pilaf.
All this accompanied by some very good wine and great
desert (one of which was Karen’s wonderful homemade
Apple Cobbler along with my offering…as in Strawberry
Short Cake). What a wonderful way to end a long…
but very satisfying day.
Ohh…almost forgot…
all the food was organic and need I say…delicioso!
So…that mi amigos y amigas…is where things stand at
the moment. Manana…this hombre needs to do a
“major” food shopping en El Supermacado in which...
to replenish El Cocina (kitchen)…wish me luck!
the moment. Manana…this hombre needs to do a
“major” food shopping en El Supermacado in which...
to replenish El Cocina (kitchen)…wish me luck!
Hasta Pronto...
It’s now Tuesday (Martes) evening (about 9:30 pm) and
just had too include this tidbit. Actually…this is a
“kind of” restaurant and “date” review mixed together…
as I had a very enjoyable dinner with a Mujer Norte
Americano (North American Woman) whom at this point
I’ll just identify as “R”.
just had too include this tidbit. Actually…this is a
“kind of” restaurant and “date” review mixed together…
as I had a very enjoyable dinner with a Mujer Norte
Americano (North American Woman) whom at this point
I’ll just identify as “R”.
The dinner took place at a restaurant called Tiesto’s
which…is situated “within” the outer edge of Cuenca
Centro. Now one needs to understand…I’ve been vying
to sample Tiesto’s dinner fare since I’ve arrived in this
beautiful place called Cuenca. The only problem and
reason why I hadn’t gone until tonight was that…
Tiesto’s is actually geared to parties of 2 or more.
Now that’s not to say that “un persona” would not be
served but…I for one…do not think a solo person would
enjoy or…for that matter feel the ambience… friendliness
and warmth that is Tiesto’s.
which…is situated “within” the outer edge of Cuenca
Centro. Now one needs to understand…I’ve been vying
to sample Tiesto’s dinner fare since I’ve arrived in this
beautiful place called Cuenca. The only problem and
reason why I hadn’t gone until tonight was that…
Tiesto’s is actually geared to parties of 2 or more.
Now that’s not to say that “un persona” would not be
served but…I for one…do not think a solo person would
enjoy or…for that matter feel the ambience… friendliness
and warmth that is Tiesto’s.
As for cost…to be fair…Tiesto’s rates “high” in the cost
category. That said however…compared to a comparable
restaurant in Any Hometown, U.S.A. and…considering a
North American restaurant of equal quality that I found in
Tiesto’s...well there’s “no contest”…Tiesto’s wins hands
down…both in cost…quality and ambience!
down…both in cost…quality and ambience!
The wonderful part of the Tiesto’s experience is…the
array of various flavorful spice and flavor mixtures that
one will find awaiting them on their table. This along
with some absolutely…wonderful tasty and imaginative
dishes…well if and when you ever find yourself in Cuenca…
Tiesto’s is a definite…“Do Not Miss” stopover!
array of various flavorful spice and flavor mixtures that
one will find awaiting them on their table. This along
with some absolutely…wonderful tasty and imaginative
dishes…well if and when you ever find yourself in Cuenca…
Tiesto’s is a definite…“Do Not Miss” stopover!
On a personal note…my dinner date with “S”…well…
I feel very good about the evening. Now whether “S”
feels the same…well…like I like to say…time will tell...
feels the same…well…like I like to say…time will tell...
Ciao todo (all) for now…
*[translation of ”pan” is I’m guessing that...
this holiday item is indeed a type of bread]
this holiday item is indeed a type of bread]
Wow, have you been busy! The apartment looks great. Wonderful view too. How did you go from "R" to "S" in one date? You must be working on "T" by now. Appreciated your review on Tiesto's. Keep us informed on the holiday celebrations around your place. Enjoy!